Czech Family’s Unlikely Venture: Raising and Selling St. Martin’s Geese on Old Farm

Radka Melišová, residing in Ostrava-Koblov, has embarked on an unexpected venture of nurturing and selling St. Martin’s geese, transforming her free time from June to November into a bustling period of goose care alongside her husband. The couple, who initially lived in an apartment until 2017, now manages an old farm, rearing dozens of geese alongside chickens and ducks.

The venture began four years ago when the Melišovás acquired three geese, which quickly grew to 50 due to popular demand. Now, they continue to expand their goose breeding operation, with this year’s brood being the largest yet.

The process begins in June when the couple purchases two-day-old goslings from Hodonín. The goslings spend a month in the nursery to ensure their health before being released into the garden by the end of July. Radka humorously notes that she never envisioned herself raising geese, with her favorite outfit becoming overalls and muddy boots.

Despite the demanding nature of caring for the geese, Radka dedicates considerable time each day. The morning routine involves feeding the geese, ducks, hens, cats, St. Bernard, and a guinea pig in the house, requiring at least an hour and a half. Radka’s husband manages the task of providing water for the geese in the garden.

The initial month is particularly challenging, involving daily cleaning of the goose house and diligent waste management to prevent infections. Radka emphasizes the importance of cleanliness, quality feed, warmth for goslings, and consistently clean water for the geese. The slaughtering process, which requires several people, is marked as strenuous.

The Melišovás go the extra mile to provide a diverse diet for the geese, including grazing in the garden and supplementing with apples, plums, and leafy salads grown exclusively for them. Despite the rising price of St. Martin’s geese, currently at 360 crowns per kilo, demand remains strong, with orders already secured for the following year. Despite this success, the family is not considering expanding their goose breeding operation.

Article by Prague Forum

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