Hundreds of people and 30 machines will clean up Prague after New Year’s Eve, starting at 03:00 in the morning

The capital city is expecting lively celebrations of the New Year 2023 this year. The Technical Administration of Communications (TSK) plans to involve a hundred workers and thirty machines cleaning up Prague after New Year’s Eve. Cleaning will begin in the center at 03:00 in the morning and other parts of the metropolis no later than three hours later.

“If technically possible, the machines will start cleaning Wenceslas Square, Hradčany Square, and other key places at 3 a.m.,” Lišková said. If it does not start snowing, the rough cleaning will end by 10:00, and all roads will be cleaned by 14:00 at the latest. The spokeswoman added that if it snows, the clean-up could stretch for up to 48 hours.

TSK will focus on Wenceslas and Old Town squares, the area around Charles Bridge, Lesser Town, Neruda Street, and Hradčanské náměstí, where the celebrations are usually the most exuberant. “There will also be 11 containers in the center of Prague, five on Wenceslas Square, two on Old Town Square, and one each on Křižovnice Square, Havelská and Mostecká Streets, and Malostranské náměstí,” the spokeswoman said.

TSK will clean up an area of 150,000 square meters on the right bank of the Vltava and 41,000 square meters on the left bank, Lišková said.

Traditionally, the center of the metropolis is where the most boisterous celebrations occur. In the last two years, their shape has been affected by the coronavirus epidemic and the ban on pyrotechnics. The city administration no longer organizes New Year’s fireworks, which used to be replaced by so-called video mapping.

This year there will be none of that. At the same time, two years ago, Prague tightened the rules for the use of fireworks, stating that no fireworks will be set off in the monument reserve, nature parks, and protected areas, around watercourses, and on islands, dams, and dykes, around the Troja zoo, and near homes for the elderly and other residential social facilities.


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