Lietuvos ambasada Prahoje / Embassy of Lithuania in Prague

The war in Ukraine reminded once again how important it is to have friends and peers. One of such supporters of the Baltic Nations, the Swiss and Baltic States Committee, which celebrates its 75th anniversary this year, was established in Switzerland in the first year after World War II. At the beginning, the committee bought equipment for the citizens of the Baltic States who withdrew from the Soviets, and later, after Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia regained their independence, the committee purchased equipment for the hospitals of these countries and collected charity for the elderly homes.
I am glad that the Committee continues to remain active: they elected a new board over the weekend and celebrated the anniversary of their activity. The Lithuanian Ambassador to Switzerland Laimonas Talat-Kelpša, who has headed the Committee for 25 years and significantly expanded its activities, but decided to step down from office, Gabrielius Landsbergis, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gabrielius Scherrer, who has decided to step down.
“Last year, facing a huge wave of people fleeing war in Ukraine, who actively involved themselves in helping these victims of Russian aggression, today we better understand the important and complicated work the Committee has done, which saved our citizens from finding food, temporary housing and work. Thank you very much for that,” the Lithuanian ambassador told the commemoration guests.
And the Embassy passes its separate gratitude to the Lithuanian community of Switzerland and its tireless chairman Jurate Casperssen. Special compliments to the recently assembled Community Choir Rasa, which debuted at the mentioned event. Way to go!

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