Major Urban Street Overhaul Planned for Legerova, Sokolská, and Ječná in Prague

Legerova, Sokolská, and Ječná streets in Prague are poised for a significant transformation, as plans are underway for a comprehensive overhaul aimed at creating modern, vibrant urban spaces. The estimated cost of this ambitious project stands at approximately one billion Czech koruna, with the specific details of the renovations to be determined through a competitive tender process organized by the Technical Administration of Roads (TSK). While the exact start date for these renovations remains uncertain, the project signifies a crucial step toward enhancing the city’s urban infrastructure.

The renovation plans encompass a range of improvements, including resurfacing and revitalizing the greenery in Legerova, Sokolská, and Ječná streets. Additionally, the feasibility of establishing dedicated cycling paths will be explored as part of the urban renewal initiative.

Ječná Street, serving as a vital link between Karlovo náměstí and Sokolská Street, is slated for road surface modifications to address noise concerns associated with anti-noise asphalt. In the case of Ječná Street, collaboration with the Prague Public Transit Company (DPP) is essential, as DPP plans to repair tram tracks that are currently in poor condition.

The final design and appearance of these streets will evolve through discussions involving all relevant stakeholders, including local authorities, ensuring that the project aligns with the city’s broader urban development goals.

In addition to the street renovations, there are plans to conduct a study on the potential removal of underpasses at Fügnerově náměstí and Karlovo náměstí near Nuselský most, which run beneath Legerova and Sokolská streets. These underpasses may be replaced with regular pedestrian crossings, subject to a comprehensive evaluation that considers the impact on traffic flow along Legerova and Sokolská streets.

The overarching aim of these projects is to create welcoming, aesthetically valuable, and well-organized urban streets and public spaces. The vision includes enhancing the safety of pedestrians and cyclists, maximizing usage possibilities, and providing ample space for sustainable tree avenues, all while employing effective stormwater management principles.

While the total cost of the renovations remains fluid and contingent on factors such as project design and the selection of construction companies through the tendering process, estimates indicate a budget ranging from 800 to 950 million Czech koruna excluding VAT for projects directly on the main road. The Ječná project, on the other hand, could range from 250 to 300 million Czech koruna excluding VAT. These improvements are anticipated to bring significant benefits to one of the busiest roads in the capital, Severojižní magistrála, which sees a daily traffic intensity of up to 100,000 vehicles.

Article by Prague Forum

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