- Hans Weber
- March 11, 2025
Turkish Embassy Prague
Mr. Vecihi Hasan, one of the founders of the Turkish Democratic Party of Macedonia, Mr. Ziya Davuti and Mr. Bülent Akkılıç, businesspersons, visited our Embassy and had a pleasant conversation with our Ambassador H.E. Egemen Bağış.
Pan Vecihi Hasan, jeden ze zakladatelů Turecké demokratické strany Makedonie, podnikatelé pan Ziya Davuti a pan Bülent Akkılıç, navštívili naše velvyslanectví a příjemně si popovídali s naším velvyslancem J.E. panem Egemenem Bağışem.
#türkiye #çekya #prag #prague #czechrepublic #sefiringünlüğü #diaryoftheambassador #egemenbagis #egemenbağış #turkishembassyprague
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